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Re: [RC] Heidi - heidiWell, I read all the material, did some searching. You never sent the links to me as you offered, although I waited patiently. So a horse died. S-----t happens. You were unfortunate enough to get sued. I was more interested in the law suits from the Oregon Forestry. That doesn't seem to me to have been good for the AERC image, but everything moved on just fine without you. What was so painful about that? I just wanted to know what all the little "hints" I'd heard were all about. 'Twasn't such a big deal. I thought you had singlehandly massacred the entire horse population. Just wanted to find out what happened. Too bad you couldn't have printed the posts yourself though. Sadie Your e-mail addy fits. I told you that I would send you references (not links--I prefer real people with real identities, as the Internet is not always the be-all and the end-all) about what happened IF you identified yourself. You have not done so. I am still "waiting patiently" (good thing I wasn't holding my breath, or I would have died of lack of oxygen by now). Therefore I stand by my previous conclusion that your aim here is to hurt, not to become informed. Shame on you. You clearly prefer "hints" to facts. Additionally, although you apparently read one set of links (congratulations on figuring out that the vet board issue "wasn't such a big deal"--apparently your "hints" were highly overrated), you clearly did not read the other set. There were never ANY "law suits" with "Oregon Forestries." The entire issue was with the USFS. And I reiterate--if you want the facts, I am not hard to find. If you would have the courtesy to tell me who YOU are, and why it is so important for you to know all this stuff, I would HAPPILY get you in touch with REAL PEOPLE (not links) who can fill you in on the details. For the record, the links you posted were to the administrative levels that one is required to go through to even GET a complaint to the judicial level when one files a complaint with a federal agency. One does not expect to be upheld in these hearings--the bureaucrats are very careful to back each other. It is the judicial level that matters, and we prevailed there. But one has to run the gauntlet of administrative hearings to earn the right to take one's case to a judge (in this case, a federal magistrate, since one is dealing with a federal agency). It is little wonder that more people don't stand up for their rights, given the complexity of the process. I knew it was complex going in, and gave it a shot anyway. And I prevailed, but at what a price. But I was not alone--there were two other ride managers in the fray with me. And it was one of them who actually deserves the credit, because HE was the one who originally documented the fact that the USFS was breaking its own rules, and it was his ride that was first attacked, not one of mine. I testified in his hearing, and he in turn provided the excellent research for my subsequent trip through the bureaucratic maze. I was just the one who went to bat. As for everything moving on just fine without me--I don't suppose the thought ever occurred to you that perhaps ONË reason that things ARE still moving along is because I (and the handful of other ride managers who put their hearts and souls into this conflict) had the guts to stand up and defend our rights??? And because folks like Jerry Fruth and other stalwarts have fought similar battles in other areas? Actually, I'm one of the lightweights on this issue--I saw mine through to its conclusion, and once was enough. The others are still fighting (I doubt that they would agree with your assessment that things are moving along "just fine"--only that they are still moving along), but at least the methods of intimidation from the feds in that area seem to have diminished considerably. They now hold civilized meetings in conference rooms and correspond--before, they barged in on the other RM that initially stood up for our rights with guns on their hips. If I had even a small role in bringing that step toward civilizing the situation about, I'm glad to have done my small part. I also don't suppose you have asked yourself what good the "AERC image" would be without trails... And where our trails would be if no one stood up to federal agencies when they get out of line.... To my way of thinking, the "AERC image" has been greatly enhanced by the people who HAVE had the guts to stand up and fight for what they believe in. Please edify us as to what YOU have done to stand up for AERC with regard to trail issues, besides post nasty posts to ridecamp about others who have given it their best shot? I suppose that in a backhanded way I should thank you for your attempt to vilify me. The response (both from the stalwart people who lived through these nightmares with me, know the facts, and stood by me every inch of the way as well as from the ridecampers who don't know me from Adam but who have the integrity to realize that the accusations leveled don't fit the person who posts and who are sick of this garbage) has been heartwarming. God bless each and every one of you who has taken the time to post privately. The endurance family is truly special, even if it does have an occasional harpie. Heidi ============================================================ When you ask a Quarter horse for something he says - Sure - and when you ask an Arab for something he says - Why? - ~ Heidi Smith ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================