Fwd: [RC] Top five endurance horses-appys - Elkenchild
Laura "Not all who wander are lost." (jrr tolkien)
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This is all too true! My mare is a product of a lot of thoroughbred bloodlines, which is a similar story to the quarter horse phenomenon, but she is really well built. I'm pretty disgruntled with the new appys with huge quarter horse butts, when in general appaloosas of old had long lean more arab-like rear ends. Thanks for the info! My mare and I are just starting our distance career and excited to represent the breed (if we get off the ground).
Bear in mind that NOT ALL Appaloosas have these qualities. The ApHC has allowed so much outcrossing to the Quarter Horse that most of the original traits have been diluted. We qualify Appaloosas for their ApHC Medallion in Distance Riding. The modern appaloosa generally does not have the size foot (too small!) , or leg bone necessary to carry the weight of the horse. We breed Foundation Appaloosas, strictly Appaloosa to Appaloosa breeding.
Laura "Not all who wander are lost." (jrr tolkien)