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Re: [RC] 100 mile experience / advice - Truman Prevatt

My track coach in college never ran anything farther than 200 meters when he was running - but he sure the heck managed to produce some very good middle distance and distance runners.  As far myself I take in what everyone says - mix it together use what makes sense and file the rest away in a corner of the brain. It may be useful some day.  The person who was the biggest help to me getting ready for my first 100 was a family friend and trainer who was an eventer. Some of her advice turned out to be right on.


rides2far@xxxxxxxx wrote:
In athletics, many times the people with the best aptitude to teach 
don't have the physical ability or the luck to have been at the top 
of > the sport. But that doesn't diminish their abilities as a coach, 

Ahh, but what if they'd never watched an entire game, only heard about
them, interviewed the players and looked them over afterwards? If they're
observant they may have some good advice (for instance, what Jaye Perry
tells me about my shoe wear) but there's a lot they never see or hear



We imitate our masters only because we are not yet masters ourselves, and only

We imitate our masters only because we are not yet masters ourselves, and only

because in doing so we learn the truth about what cannot be imitated.


[RC] 100 mile experience / advice, rides2far