Here's what I would like to know, for those horses
who carried all you 100 mile riders, what would you say about the horse, which
at some point in his career, made you say - this horse is a hundred miler.
Or, is it more of the any horse can do a hundred miles with proper training and
a smart rider? I am willing to bet that there are a few characteristics
that are common to most 100 mile horses, that show up early in a career, that
make aiming for a hundred mile ride within the grasp of it's rider. But
having only done 2 LD's I have no idea what they might be.
Lots of horses can do 25 miles (lets not go there
With training and conditioning and pacing, many
horses can do 50 miles.
100 miles is a whole 'nother game.
Correct conformation, efficient way of travelling
at all gaits, eats, drinks, sensible, (I didn't say nice, but it
helps) And that "What's around the corner,
over the next hill" attitude. Maybe the most important.
If the horse takes at lot of
"support" ,special feeds, extra careful electrolyte dosing, has
any interference problems, or makes hard work of a 50, this
may not be a good 100 mile prospect.