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[RC] 100 mile list - Laura Hayes

I see I have 9 listed, and like many of you 'old' riders, I have a few that weren't sanctioned, and a once did a two day 150, but my last completion in a 100 was 1992.  Cripes, that was awhile ago!!!  I started and did not finish two 100 milers in recent years, and learned from them, as kat had from her non completions.  Here goes:
1.  Do not allow your horse to drink deeply from the puddles in the cotton fields in SC- especially when no one else is---they use chemicals there.  It was the only time Desco Music was EVER sick in the many years I had him, and his only non completion.  He went 25 miles when we pulled him, and interestingly enough, I thought he was ok going down the road and my husband who was crewing saw him from a distance and flew over to tell me to pull him.  I thought he was nuts, but he insisted he wasn't right - Mark didn't like the look in his eye.  1/2 hour later he was ill......
2.  S--t happens.  Last year I rode Lois McAfee's Hoosier in a 100.  The horse was great, feeling confident (they told me he liked to buddy up, but I like to ride alone- and he was super alone).  We went 90 (NINETY!!) miles and all of a sudden he was off with a slight swelling in a front tendon.  I was so hyped I could have carried HIM for the last 10, but of course no one believed me!!  :-)
I LOVE a hundred miler more than about anything in life, but haven't had the time to get ready for them lately, and the 100s are getting more scarce.  Every year for 17 years I have thought about doing the OD 100 again and haven't had the right horse, then last year it was canceled and this year, my mare is fit as a fiddle and we are leaving for the big XP that day.  Next year....
I really love the Big Horn and have seriously thought about leaving the XP and going up to do it....I haven't said it out loud to anyone yet, least they strike me in the forehead with the palm of their hand.......!!!!  ;-)
Laura Hayes AERC#2741