Re: [RC] Yet more Selenium questions - Maggie Mieske
Megasel is expensive and some horses don't like the
taste. The most bang for your buck is Uckele's E/Se supplement. 1
oz. gives you 2 mg of Se and 1250 IU of E. I double that for my low horse
and it has kept his levels steady. A 10 # pail runs abou $25 plus
shipping. They have a new more concentrated product, too but I can't find
my 2004 catalog that has it in there. When my current supply runs out, I
am going to go with that next time. Horses like it, too.
Website: and
phone: 1-800-248-0330.
My vet left a message on my answering machine
today about my mare's selenium levels. Now I know from reading Heidi's
posts that the normal range is above 200.
However, I don't know how to translate what
he said on the message to that target figure...and I'm hoping someone can
help. He said most horses fall in the 15-35 range but my horse Fanny is
only 3.5. Unfortunetly, he's off for the weekend and I won't speak
to him until Monday.
Can someone explain to me how the numbers he gave
to me compare to the ones Heidi mentioned?
Also, doing a google on SeE supplements brought
up a plethora of possiblities to purchase. Has anyone found the best
bang for the buck? My vet mentioned Mega Sel on the message he
left...any good?