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Re: [RC] Steep hills - Steven Proe

Hi Diane: Your best approach is to make "Brazz" walk the hills. He wants to run as his muscles are not to conditioned yet. I would suggest that he be made to walk only up the hills until he can trot them. What will occur if you allow him to Run is that he will most likely produce a bunch of lactic acid and get real winded. Sounds like a lot of hills and heat training take your time, it will come.
Also it will give you time to practice your posture, Yean forward going up hill as much as you can. This will allow his rear to work freely. Do the opposite on the downhill so that the additional weight is on his rears.
If you are going to do a lot of hills on a ride it is a good idea to make sure the girth is a little lose so that when he moves and breaths he can expand his lungs fully. Breast collar & cropper have always been used by myself, as it keeps the saddle and me in the same general area that I am use to as well as the critter. You don't want the saddle pinching the loin area. 
Steven Proe
----- Original Message -----
From: wdj777
Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2004 12:28 PM
Subject: [RC] Steep hills

   Hi, I am having trouble keeping my legs foward going UP steep hills. Also my horse wants to run up these hills not trot. Any ideas for me ? Thanks in advance!
             Diane & Brazz

[RC] Steep hills, wdj777