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[RC] DVE Day 4, but not the end.... - bechackDay 4. What can I say. It is generally cold and windy here at Panamint Springs. This morning was no exception. It really was only breezy and it has been colder in past years. This morning I wore more layers than yesterday. I also brought both pairs of gloves. My warm ones and the regular gloves. Sue and I started 5 or 10 minutes after the leaders. This worked out just fine. Some years the start is a bit crowded on the road. We ride along side of HWY 190 for the first mile or so, and I would imagine that seeing 100 horses along the road would make you drive carefullly. Well, sometimes. At least this section of road is curvy, so most drivers slow for that. After the first mile, you turn left on to the dirt highway. This is the "back road" to Darwin. A sign tells you that 4WD is required. They mean it. The flat section of road is easily 2 1/2 lanes across, and pretty good footing as dirt roads go. In the morning this stretch goes by quickly, tonight this road is ever so long. After a couple of miles of flat comes the climb. It goes up and up and up some more. It is only 4 miles or so. Nothing like the day 2 climb to the top. In fact it is only 1/2 the climb of our limited climb this year on day 2. But you are 100 miles more sore. 100 miles more raw. 100 miles more stiff. BUT THE HORSES are raring to go. They are not stiff. They are not sore. THEY ARE READY TO GO. The hill fazes them not. So Sue and I trot a little, walk a little. Trot a little, walk a little. We actually get through this section rather quickly. Then it's down to the wash. As we approach the wash, I am always reminded of my first year hear, when Gloria Vanderford came galloping from the right (the wrong way) muttering that no one had told her it was the wrong way! I guess she had been near other riders. But that was 7 years ago. Funny how you remember different things on trail from other years. Going down this trail Ed is in March down the trail mode. We hadn't seen but a couple of riders going up the hill, but I think we passed 6 or so going down. Most every one was off and hand walking down. Ed walks twice as fast as I NOMALLY do, and with my ever ripening tailbone bruise, I am only walking 1/2 of my normal speed anyway. Ed gets to carry me. It's his fault anyway. So we get to the wash and go for the couple of miles through the georgeous rocks and cliffs. The layers are jutting out of the ground at a 45 degree angle , sometimes more. What an earthquake that must have been to have done that. I know what it feels like when the San Andreas move a few inches. These cliffs are a couple of thousand feet and are nearly vertical. Must a been something. Glad I wasn't there! The colors of the layers show such different types of rock. I don't know what they are, just that they are beautiful. We get to the end of the wash in no time and head up the boring paved road. Again I am drawn to the memory of riding up here with Tuttie Nichols my first year and there was snow way lower than even this year. The wind was so cold and the views were incredible. We could see Mt Whitney from there. It just makes you feel so small and insignificant. So while I was daydreaming, we get to the top. Now it is the drop in to Darwin. As others have said, what an interesting place. You really do have to see it to beleive it. I can even pick out NEW things from last year! Alex is at the edge of town with the ever wonderful water truck. Both Rocky and Ed find the water just delicious. There is even a few flakes of hay. We let them nibble, then it's off we go. They are both trotting strong today. Rocky is so steady. Ed is aguing with me STILL about going faster. At least I am winning the argument today. So on we trot. Last year through this section, the wind in our face nearly pulled my helmet off. It had to have been gusting at 75 mph last year. Right now it is calm and beautiful. The clouds are forming. Sue and I both wonder how cold the Vet check will be. Check on this day has a very bad, very deserved reputation for being cold and windy. We made our stop and turn at the corrals for the last 5 miles to the Vet check. Since this day is just an out and back, I wonder where the leaders are. They haven't started coming back at us yet. Either they are slower this year, or we are actually riding faster. Maybe that is it! About 1/2 way across the valley, we did pass the leaders going the other way. Heather (daughter) and Elfta were planning on riding together today, so I kept expecting to see them any minute. Not so. So the Mom comes out, where are they??? Did one of the horses have a problem??? Did one of them have a problem. They have both ridden this day before, THEY CAN'T BE LOST! Even without ribbons.! We got all the way to the Vet Check. There they were! Nope, both horses were fine, they were fine....just hanging out...taking it easy today. Whew.....Mom sigh of releif. OK, back to my horse. Oh, yeah, water, pulse, eat. Got it. Gosh, you would think I had never done this before! So Ed pulses down the instant I ask, which was as soon as I remembered! Just fine. Go over to where Miranda and Mike Benson are stationed with Miranda's car. Wow....they are ready for us! Coolers go on the horses. The flame thrower heater (boy does this thing work!) was set up next to the CHAIRS. No sitting on packs and bags this day! Yeah! My bottom can't take anymore of that! The saddle doesn't hurt to sit on, just everything else! We eat. The horses eat. We drink. They drink. After about 45 minutes, Mike and Miranda VET THE HORSES FOR US.... Wow, what a crew. Boy does this heater feel good. You don't realize how cold out it was until you stop. Gonna have to make "coolers" for Riders! All too soon, we are off the way we came. Seems impossible that we have already gone 175 miles and only have 25 to go and the last vet check. Ok guys, hold it together. Trot a little, walk a little, trot a little, walk a little. Boy that one raw spot is really sore today! Walk a little, trot a little. We get to the end of the Valley and the trough. EMPTY! Not a good thing. At least the boys had tanked up at lunch and it wasn't hot. It is only 5-7 miles more to Darwin and the next water. Both horses seem upset over the empty trough but very willingly head for home. Ok, more than willing. Pulling! So very strong. Well, it beats having un-willing at this point. So in to Darwin. Yes, Alex is still there and there is water. Both of the boys tank up really well. There are a few scraps of hay left, so we let them nibble for a few minutes. Then Ed decides that the trailer hay bag will be much better and off we go. Up to the summit on the road, then down to the wash. Through the wash to the climb. I am not sure how, but I thought we were riding faster today than last year. But no, the sun is setting. It is getting colder, but not unbearable. At least there are no clouds and the moon is about 3/4 an already high in the sky. We are at a point where that road just lights up in the moon light. It is so white. We get down to the flat last section. Ready for our last trot. Ed pulls just slightly ahead of Rocky. I hear all sorts of commotion. Horse stumbling, stumbling. I see the light and dark shadows behind me bobbing up and down. I pull to a stop. Rocky had just about gone down with a stumble. Sue had miraculously stayed on and Rocky had done everything in his power not to fall on her! He somehow had gotten his feet back under him and righted himself. Both were a little shook up, but only a tiny skinned knee for Rocky and Sue was fine. OK, so we take a little more time and WALK the rest of the way home. At the end of the dirt road, Miranda and Colleen are waiting for us with her car. Again we are walking next to the road. It is dark and New Years' Eve. Miranda puts on her parking lights. Rocky trots a little. Yeah! Sound! Ed in on a mission! Power Walk time again. I try to keep him slowed down. A car is coming. We are in front of Miranda and she turns on her flashers. Ed is watching the lights, on, off, on, off....he is getting real nervous. Ok, lets hop off. Right, after 200 miles and it is cold out. My legs are a bit wobbly and as I am getting off, my left foot gets hung up for a couple of seconds. Thank goodness. Off and in one piece, but that was close. Totally my fault, Daughter Colleen walks Ed in the rest of the way. Miranda asks if I want a ride. Nope, got to finish. If not on the horse, at least under my own power. Never mind that we had passed the finish line for the front runners. Now it is another mile back in camp. It is actually feeling good to walk. By the time I get there, Ed and Rocky have tanked up well. Now we just need a Vet! We finally out wait Dave N. and get him to come out of his cosy 5th wheel trailer to vet us out. Both Boys trot out just fine. Now they pull us back to the trailers, where they know food awaits! Boy is a shower going to feel good tonight. Best thing I had done the past few nights was to use the hot water from the camper on Ed's Beet Pulp, so that it was nice and warm when he got to it. He would first drink all of the "slop" off the top, then eat all of it! He really seemed to enjoy them. He was also peeing out of trail 4-6 times per day. A little more than his norm. this is good. Got Ed bedded down for his meal, cooler on to dry out. Now it is my turn. Miranda had as usual scored dinner tickets from someone that had changed their minds. So the girls were all gone to eat. THE CAMPER TO MYSELF! Yeah. Only someone with teenage girls could enjoy that part! Clean dry and fed. Horse and Rider. In that order. Wow. What a great week. Sue, Mike and I go up to the awards presentation. Wow. 30 Riders (+ or - officially?) have ridden the same horse all four days! Whooppee! For Sue and I, that is two years in a row. Now the goal is 20 Mule Team 100 in Feb. Last year we only got to 65 miles when both of US pulled. The horses were great. I think we have gotten those kinks worked out. After the awards were all over with, we head back to the campers where Miranda has set up her DJ equipment and we have our own party on the runway! What a great time. The next morning, in what has become another tradition, we head to the Denny's in Ridgecrest for BREAKFAST! We have another party right there in Denny's. Then we said our goodbys, and head home. Thank goodness for a nice boring trip home. No problems at all. Rain from Tulare home. So everyone is home and safe and we had a great time. Will we be back?? You betcha! IT'S TRADITION! Becky and the gang =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Ridecamp is a service of Endurance Net, http://www.endurance.net. Information, Policy, Disclaimer: http://www.endurance.net/Ridecamp Subscribe/Unsubscribe http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/logon.asp Ride Long and Ride Safe!! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-