My horse is built the same as yours, short back and long legs. He tends to forge, and at exactly 6 weeks and 1 day he invariably pulls a front shoe. My farrier shoes him with a rocker shoe up front (rolled toe) and dubs the hind feet. We also keep to a very strict schedule, and if I've got a ride coming towards the end of his six weeks, we reshoe early. I also use easyboots when I start conditioning in the spring (I'm in Minnesota, meaning at least 3 or 4 months of twiddling thumbs), or if I'm doing a lot of roads. You have to play around with them trying different adjustments. Bottom line is if it's easy to snap the cable down, it's easy for them to come off. I get the cable set in the slot, then step on it. If I were to use them in competition (which I'm thinking of for one ride in particular this year), I'd use foam.