Wow.....I guess I got lucky with mine...I bought a
RR for his endurance, temperament, short coat,loyalty, athleticism, etc. I
got him at 8 weeks and actually took him horse camping the first 2 nights, as I
had to travel to Sacramento for a ride and picked him up there....he was so cute
licking my horses in the face.
He is definitely an "on & off" dog.....when I
put my riding boots on he's all over me and when I take them off....he's
asleep.....interestingly though, he will jump up from a dead sleep to go ride
with me, even after a 25 miler....he'll go again.....
As has been said, they like being "on the couch"
and with the family....he goes everywhere with me...took him down the Santa
Monica Third Street Promenade....could hardly get 20 feet without someone,
especially children, "needing" to pet him...I feel fortunate to have him in my
Regarding comments on cows....I live in Open Range
Country, and the cattlemen will shoot your dog for chasing (running the meat
off) their cows.....seriously....
Regarding Insurance and RRs....again I live on 20
acres bordering the Sequoia National Forest and I am zoned straight my insurance considerations are more liberal...