I must be doing something wrong with Easyboots. I've never had any luck
with them. I've had them come off over shoes. I've had them come off
foamed on over shoes. In the '96 ROC I foamed them on over shoes. This
was four brand spanking new ones. Then at 55 or so miles one went
flying off the front right. The strap broke and there she went foam and
all. I can't keep them on a bare foot for more than a few 100 yards at
any speed besides a walk and even at a walk they come off.
I've just given up on those things and when I need temporary protection
from rocks, etc. pour in some hoof build and be done with it. I sure
wish I could get them to work, and they probably would work fine if
only I could get them to say on the foot.
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Barbara McCrary wrote:
RE: [RC] Boa Horse Boot
Garrett, my biggest concern
about Easyboots is that they come off too easily. Only if they are
installed over shoes can I be sure they won't come off. I have not,
however, foamed them on. Haven't tried this, nor have I learned how.
Why would Easyboots be preferred over boaboots? Can you share some
information, or do we just wait until the middle of the month?