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Re: [RC] Help! Behavior problems (long) - Paul Latiolais


I am very interested in what others will say about this problem. My paso, Pete, used to have this problem. My wife's nickname for him is "Butt", because he was such a one. Pete is a 9 year old gelding as well and the pasture boss of four horses.

He can still be difficult on occasion, but in the last year he has gotten a lot better. I have been doing the natural horsemanship thing with him for a couple of years, but the real turn around was a year ago. I sent him off for a month for a mental adjustment with Bill Basham in Idaho. Bill gave me the edge I needed to get a handle on Pete's attitude and pass our Parelli Level I.

With all of the riding we have been doing in the last year ( and groundwork too), he behaves well when he is under my control. He will now stand still untied, while I saddle him. He is still a butt in the pasture. When he went off to Bill's, I asked Bill to specifically put him in a pasture where he was not the boss, and I am sure that had an impact.

My big change of attitude though in the last year has been to choose my battles. That is, I try not to get into situations where it is a serious fight. When we are in difficult situations, I work to get changes in him, but not complete compliance until I know I can get it. I did not do this at the beginning of the Santiam ride last summer. I apologize to whoever we bowled past. We have done starts a lot better toward the end of the season.

Like when you ran Alpine. The only thing I would have done differently was to also slow him down and then let him go again, slow him down and let him go again. Make him realize that he is not the driver, even if he is getting to go fast, like he wants to. And do the same thing on the ground, lots of turns and gait changes.

BUT... it will still take time. AND you might get a professional "natural" trainer to help. These guys get the big buck$ (?) for a reason.

Good luck,

-Paul L.

On Saturday, January 3, 2004, at 09:31 PM, Agilbxr@xxxxxxx wrote:

I'm asking for help from everyone here.? My 9 year old Paso gelding recently changed homes.? I moved him out to a boarding barn on the edge of a state forest where I could ride and condition for endurance.? He left a barn of 5 total where he was low man on the totem pole, and moved to a barn of 10, 7 mares, 3 gelding including him.? Because he was the oldest male at the barn ( I assume), he moved up the totem to be top boy horse.? There is only the dominant mare that will push him around.? 2 weeks ago, they added one more boarder, a 19 year old gelding.? Alpine has since started acting like "THE Stallion".? He runs the new horse mercilessly, won't let him anywhere near the herd, runs himself into a lather keeping the new horse away from everyone, and today managed to run him into the fence and the new guy got a nasty cut on his foot.? It's been about 10 days now, and he's no better.? We figured with time, he'd cut it out.
Unfortunately, this has traveled into his behavior under saddle too.? Riding him out on the trail has become a fight.? It's like he's on constant adrenaline.? He spooks at EVERYTHING!.? Today, it was the tree on the trail (???), and the best one was at the side trail that jumped up and bit him.? He won't walk, he won't relax, he's being a jerk.? For the first time in the five years I've had him, I took a riding crop to him. He wouldn't walk, and when I enforced this, he started pawing and throwing his head.? On the way home, he bolted towards the barn.? I told him if he wanted to run that bad, he could do it on my terms,and made him run in the deep sand until?I couldn't make him go anymore.? Then I walked all the way home with my extremely hot and panting horse (but much quieter).? Upon being turned back out, he immediatly went after the new horse again.
He has NEVER been like this.? Normally, he's spooky (he's a fit Paso, what do I want), but pretty laid back, easy going. He likes to go, but he's never been hard to rate before.? This is all with the addition of the new horse.?
Help!? What can I do with him.? I threatened to geld him again....? Is there equine valium?? Vicks in the nose????2X4 to the head?? I really am at a loss.? I don't want to fight him on the trail, and I don't want him to hurt the new horse.? Unfortunatly, we can't separate him right now, as the new pasture fence won't be completely up for?a few weeks.? So we need a solution.? I appreciate your help with this
Juli and Alpine (devil Paso wannabe stud with a serious attitude problem)