They're right. The best way to cool yourself off is
just keep yourself wet. If there's a river or creek just get off your horse and
splash or scoop water on yourself also while your getting your horse wet.
My girlfriend will actually take off her shirt and dip it in the water. That
keeps you cool for a long time on a hot day. I remember on the Red Rock
pre-ride I poured water down my shirt from the horse trough, almost at the end
of the ride, to the amazement of the elderly gentleman, who was
volunteering there. Needless to say, he didn't object. I think I had that look
on my face, you know the one, I'm hot, this is a friggin' desert, I'm sick
of the sand, and I don't give a s*** if you don't like it, I'm getting wet.
Also, you probably shouldn't drink a bottle of White Zinfandel the
night before and a pot of coffee in the morning before the ride. Not that I know
anybody who does such silly stuff...