[RC] LD, Placings, BC ect.( solutions? ) - Klc5355Just a few thoughts on the subject of LD. I dont think this issue will ever go away until resolved in a fair and impartial manner. What is fair? Let's look at the facts first.1. LD riders pay the same dues everyone else pays. 2. LD riders pay almost the same, or in some cases the same entry fee. 3. Most LD riders are relatively more educated about the sport, their horses, and more experienced than they use to be. Many are "professional" LD riders. 4. This is still considered an entry level distance, but there is no requirement to move up. 5. All "riders" are "responsible" for their horses welfare. 6. Riding 100 miles, 50 miles or 25 miles is a "choice" each rider makes. For whatever reason. 7. Limited Distance, is just that, limited distance. Any stigma associated with the name is strictly in that individuals mind. (That again is their choice) 8.Endurance is defined as distances of 50 miles or more. ( that again is a choice) 9. For the AERC to re-name LD's would cost money and substantial work. ( re-doing paperwork, rider manuals, computers ect) Solution? 1. "Treat" LD as Endurance. With modified rules. 2. Give placings. 3. Give BC, using existing BC rules with modified criteria. 4. Use lower pulse criteria for the vet checks, shorter recovery time allowed. ( 56 instead of 60, 15 min instead of 30 min ) 5. Use lower completion criteria and shorter recovery time (1/2 hr instead of 1 hr., 60 instead of 68) 6. Charge the same entry fee for 50 mile and 25 mile. The distance you ride is again your choice. Ride managers have to do more paperwork. Yes, ridemanagers would have to do some extra paperwork, the AERC might have to modify a few forms and some extra data input. But we should be able to use existing systems that are in place. By lowering the criteria and times we can protect the horses, as much as is possible in this sport. The intent of Limited Distance ride is to encourage and teach future Endurance riders how to ride in the sport, how to manage their horses. This is our training ground. Horses and riders that are use to the stricter rules of limited distance will be better prepared to move up in distance, if and when they do. This will also serve to protect the horses of those that choose to stay in LD's and race, and this is a reality that is here to stay. We ( The AERC ) need to deal with setting rules in place that are uniformly enforced in all regions. To call limited distance, "endurance", we would have to modify our by-laws, I dont believe this should happen. Limited Distance is not Endurance. And to call Limited Distance "Endurance" would demean ( possibly a poor choice of words) the title of "Endurance Rider". This is not meant to vilify those that for whatever reason choose to do limited distance, only to leave a goal for those that choose to move up in distance. This may not be a perfect solution, it may not make everyone happy, but then what does? But it is a very workable means of making most riders feel some consistancy in our sport and adhereing to what we say our goals are. Fire Away! Ken Cook, AERC West