[RC] Stallion with aggressive behavior undersaddle - Angela Lewis
Ok I just got this stallion that is six and has had
little work, he has been bred and is easy to handle while breeding and is not
aggressive toward the mares at all. He doesn't bite or anything. On
the other hand he I have been told this stallion has been saddled and work with
a little in the past but today when I saddled him it took 1/2 hour to get just
the saddle on, I left out the blanket. He bucked like I have never seen
before and was very aggressive about it. He kicked the panels over and
over and even was biting the stirrups he was mad. Don't know if he was all
that afraid but he was shaking a little but he was pretty aggressive.
Enough for me to realize I am not getting on him first. I will send him
for training. I know it is the first time I have worked with him in this
manner and he has only been with me a week but should I be worried about his
overly aggressive manner? Has anyone ever had this problem with a
horse. I am more concerned because he is a stallion and he is a very
dominate stallion even in the herd. He did kick at me the first day he was
her and he got in trouble for it but has not attempted anything since. He
has been pretty good and respectful since then. HELP....Any
suggestions? I do have 30 days to decide if I want this stallion and I
love his looks athletic ability, he is not spooky at all, and easy to handle but
his aggressive behavior is something I have never seen in a horse and kinda
worries me. Thanks Angela