Courtesy is something that is trained into a
person from childhood, and if someone else is not courteous, I shouldn't think
that much can be done at this late date in that person's life. Beyond a
polite request to allow your horse to drink, it may be a hopeless cause.
Courtesy SHOULD come as naturally as breathing.
Okay, so I'm going to open up a new subject.
Being a newbie, I read the rules and suggestions and took everything to
heart. Now, I'm being very adamant about the suggested part here,
It is suggested that when coming up to a watering tank or trough
or creek, blah blah, that you wait until the horse before you is done drinking
and not muscle in with yours. I realize this is just common courtesy, but
since that about as common as sense, I suppose I shouldn't be too
critical. So I get to the water tank first and Doimas the Beastie drops
his head and starts drinking. Right behind me two ladies come and bring their
horses up to drink. Well, that's fine, but when the one lady is yammering to
her friend, her horse decides to grab at Doimas' headstall. Doimas takes the
hint and backs off. Yeah, I guess I should have said something, but I didn't,
so I probably have only myself to blame, but jeez! The lady eventually
tells her horse to quit that, but Doimas stands there looking at the water and
each time he starts to drop his head, her horse grabs at him again. Should I
have just smacked the woman upside the head? I certainly don't blame the
horse, since they always are doing the pecking order thing.
My basic
problem is this has happened at both rides I've been on. Not the grabby thing,
but the people shoving in to let their horses drink. Doimas will back off and
stop drinking. I thought we were supposed to be polite?
know, I know, I'm a Newbie, and probably shouldn't be complaining about
anything, but this is annoying and I don't think I'm the only one out there
who has had the experience.
Now that I've opened this can of worms, I'm
ducking and headed for cover. Guess I'll go outside and grab up Sebastian for
a ride.