Hello all....allthough Renegade and I have been
training for endurance rides for several years, we've only been in four 50's and
one 25 LD. This year however my intention was to get serious about this sport
and try to go to one 50 each month in the SE starting in May. We started the
season at Leatherwood Mountains in the 25 and due to missing a well marked split
in the trail and not realizing it (totally my fault and cost us at least 40 min
as we turned around and went back to the split) we were over time by 7 minutes.
This is a very difficult ride so I felt great that we finished in good shape He
vetted well with all A's and no problems.
Everything has been going well since then
until about 2 weeks ago. After an interval training session (same as usual)
his heart rate hung at 60 for several hours (very unusual). He is always down in
10 minutes. No associated symptoms could be found. After a shot of
Banamine, rate within 30 minutes was down to 38 (normal is 40 for him). No after
effects except his stool has been like a cow paddy ever since, new spring green
grass??? Anyway on the last three rides he has not wanted to take the bit so
yesterday checked his mouth for possible gum or tooth problem and found that his
gums are light purple in color from around the wolf teeth area back on both
sides. I've never seen anything like that and his gums were normal at the
Leatherwood ride. And during the heart rate incident I only checked cap refill
at the front so it's possible I didn't see it if it was there then. Does anyone
have any experience with discolored gums?? The color gets darker toward the back
and normal pink toward the front. He seems fine in all respects except the cow
paddy stools, eats well and does not seem to be in pain. Once the bit is in his
mouth it doesn't seem to hurt either but it sure looks like it would hurt! Vet
will be out on Thursday to check this and health in general as I've been uneasy
since the heart rate incident. Took some digital pictures of the gums today in
case it gets worse or better before our vet comes and watching him very closely.
BTW none of the other horses in his pasture have any gum problems. Please, any
ideas? This is more than a little scary...thanks so much!! Sharon Hinshaw
and Renegade