Re: [RC] "stress rings" on horse feet - Chris PausYup. I noticed that this year too! Never noticed it in my herd before, but when we changed from fall to really cold, hard winter and then to spring, I started noticing some "rings" on my horses' hooves. The farrier said not to worry.. the hooves were just fine... chris --- "A. Perez" <walkergirl@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote: After having a farrier ask if my horse had been ill in the past year because he had 'fever rings', I looked at the feet of these horses at the farm where I field board. Most of them had these rings. I think horses that relay on pasture for food experience more fluctations in nutrition due to weather fluctuation, and may have rings as a result, even if they keep their weight well and are not 'mal nurished'. IMHO, I don't think such rings always necessarily result from 'trauma'... either that or 15+ horses at this farm all experienced the same trauma, 'cause they all have these rings, and no, we haven;t had any epidemics. ________________________________________________ Get your own "800" number Voicemail, fax, email, and a lot more ============================================================ The whole ride experience can be very hard, and at times you question why you put yourself through such abuse. But then you remember all those moments when you pop up over a hill and are suddenly surrounded by the most stunning views. It's just you and your horse and for a moment time stops and you can hear the angels sing. Therein lies the addiction, at least for me. ~ Leslie Beyers information: ============================================================ ===== "A good horse makes short miles," George Eliot Chris and Star BayRab Acres ============================================================ It is how we "feel" deep inside that matters, cause each of us knows the truth, regardless of how we try make it complicated. It just isn't. ~ Frank Solano information: ============================================================