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Re: [RC] questions! - Tina Hicks

First of all: how do you sleep at night before the ride?  What do you
do with your horses?  I am looking for alternatives to sleeping in the
bed of the truck and just tying...

I've slowly moved since starting in 1996 <EEEKKK - has it been
that long since I did my first ride????> from Low Rent as Angie
calls it :) to a LQ trailer. I can tell you after sleeping in a
tent, then in my truck, then in the back of a trailer, then in a
gneck trailer w/no LQ, and now in the new-to-me LQ one, you
don't sleep any better the night before in nicer digs - you're
just more comfortable while you're lying there obsessing :) esp
if it's raining to beat the band like it did this weekend at LBL

For the horse, I've tied to the trailer, used a pen and 
picketed. Right now I prefer picketing. You'll have to decide 
what you like best for you and your horse.

What do you eat for breakfast?  I had to survive on 2 hard boiled eggs
and some water... which, I don't doubt is more than some people get!

I've tried oatmeal, hardboiled eggs, yogurt, etc..it's hard to
get much down except my coffee so I've given up the fight :) a
cup or two of good coffee with half'n half (or better yet,
whipping cream <g>) and I'm good to go till a bit later on the 

What do you pack for snacks?  Are there any particular brands of
anything that are especially helpful and/or filling?

I've tried several of the bars (can anyone actually stand Power
Bars????bleck!!!) Cliff and Luna bars are in the edible
category. If you want to put a small cooler at the check then
hard boiled eggs and/or tuna salad. Chocolate pudding is good
too :) 

I used Ensure this weekend and really liked it - took care of
that "I really need to eat...soon..." feeling (and the
associated crabbiness others tell me I get :)) Not sure I could
drink it at room temp (or worse yet, warm) though :-p Beef jerky
is good - gives you some protein and salt (and pleny of
preservatives too <g>) Nuts/raisins are a good snack too - easy
to carry, filling, and fairly durable.

Don't forget water, water, water to drink. Lotsa water will help 
with those after-ride sore muscles :)


The air of heaven is that which blows between a horse`s ears. 
~  Arabian Proverb

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Re: [RC] questions!, rides2far