I bought a new Arab- gray, 10 years old. I am waiting (not
so very patiently) to bring her home hopefully Tues morning (pending negative
coggins, etc....my work schedule and previous owners work schedule etc) I met
a nice gal at the Mn Horse Expo at the MN Distance Riders Assoc booth who
gave me almost all the papers to get prepared to start. As most of you know I
had begun to condition/train earlier this spring my older mare when I lost her
to colic just a short while ago. My question is....being as she will be
moving to a new home and getting used to a new owner, etc....how long should I
wait to acclimate her to these new changes before taking her to an
overnight trailride (another potential stress level)? (NOT a competition event-
just a plain ole trail ride in a park. She has no overnight experience
yet. She is an experienced trail riding horse. a month, two?