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Re: [RC] Trail Judges - Tracy Cann - rides2far

O> If riders are going to cheat, they are going to cheat.

By far the majority of "shortcuts" I've seen taken were done
unintentionally. When I heard some riders got ahead without passing other
at Skymont I immediately knew where it had happened. I had ridden that
trail while marking and didn't know it was a place where it could happen,
but while in the ride itself it seemed so obvious... We were riding down
an open pipeline, the trail turned right into the woods. You rode another
mile or so and came out on pipeline again. I never knew till the day of
the ride that where you came out was just about 150 yards farther than
where you turned right. During the ride I just happened to be approaching
the turn as a horse emerged back on the pipeline ahead and had I not
already seen the turn I would have automatically followed that horse
ahead. That's where this rider had taken a short cut...unintentionally.
For this reason if you suspect someone has taken a shortcut don't
automatically think they're cheaters. They may have made a very honest
mistake that they're more than happy to remedy once the dust dies.  Once
management knows where these problem areas are (and it may take a few
rides)  it's their job to at least mark the fool out of it. Some rides
have problems at the same spot over and over and don't have to.


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Common sense should also be a part of the decision making process. If you
see someone who doesn't have any, hand them your tool box.
~ Lisa Salas - The Odd Farm

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