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[RC] Trail Judges needed??? - Jonni Jewell

Well Howard, come on out to one of the rides at the LBJ Grasslands in Texas,
and see if YOU can keep track in your mind of who is in front, who is behind
etc. The trails consist of 4 different loops, all ending back in camp. There
are often 25 milers, 50 milers, and 100 milers out on these loops at the
same time. If a rider is up in front, and in first place, and they are
clever, they could cut off part of a loop, thus shorting the mileage for
their horse, and then letting it slow down a bit and rest, before picking up
the pace again, and coming back into the next vet check still in the
lead...with a horse that has done less mileage. While this is not a problem
all rides might have, and should not be any sort of "rule", there ARE rides
that have you do either a punch card at a spot on the trail, or management
has put a volunteer out on the trail to take numbers. On rides that are not
loops, but "out and back" type trails, this is always a consideration. Let's
let management decide if they feel that there might be a problem with some
riders "shortening" their ride for the day, and let them handle it by what
ever means they see fit.

But, if you think you caught someone cheating, and want to file a protest,
you darn well better have ALL your information in a row, and the right
documentation. Just saying "I think he cheated" usually is not going to get
anywhere without proof........


Riding alone is when you teach a horse all the "tools" and "cues" he needs
to handle the trail, to hold a speed, deal with hills, etc. It's also where
you develop the "bond" that causes him to "defer" to you before losing his
~ Jim Holland

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