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Re: [RC] Pasture with lots of alfalfa in it - Susan E. Garlinghouse, DVM

I personally wouldn't put a horse straight out onto alfalfa pasture, it's
just asking for problems.  I know if the pasture were seeded with other
grasses, the non-alfalfa species will eventually crowd the alfalfa out, but
in the meantime, I'd be careful.  Heidi might have some experience with
being able to cut the alfalfa down as short as possible to make it
potentially horse-safe.

Susan Garlinghouse, DVM
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <DESERTRYDR1@xxxxxxx>
To: <suendavid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; <heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2004 9:56 PM
Subject: Pasture with lots of alfalfa in it

Just bought 3.3 acres that has been a hay field.  It has lots of alfalfa
it, but less than 50%.  Is this too much to just throw the horses out on?
(realizing I will have to limit their grazing for the first week or two
due to the
change from their present pasture)  They have been getting alfalfa pellets
a regular basis.  If so, does anyone know the best way to get rid of the
alfalfa without killing the grass?  Thanks  jeri

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~ Robert Morris

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[RC] Pasture with lots of alfalfa in it, DESERTRYDR1