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Subject: [RC] hair loss: mites? Lice? ....? - sherman

Every year several horses in my neighborhood, including one or two at my place, get a condition similar to what you're describing. Some of us have vets check it & give advice, and some of us just confer with our neighbors on what to do. We've used fungicides, betadine washes, tea tree oil washes, or nothing on it, and it always clears up as their spring hairs grow in. It feels better to do something, though, and since this is the buffalo gnat season as well, tea tree oil washes are a good choice. Good luck and hope it's nothing serious.
From: "A. Perez" <
Subject: [RC]   hair loss: mites?  Lice? ....?

  The farm where I field board is currently suffering from an
epidemic of hairloss.  Most of the 20+ horses have patches of
hair loss or areas where the hair is broken off at the skin
surface in large irregular patches - look like they've been
shaved.  At first I thought it was due to rubbing, but it is
showing up on areas that would be impossible for a horse to rub.
It does not look anything like rain-rot (no scabs, bumps or
dust), and does not appear to itch or be sore.

Any suggestions as to cause or treatments would be most
appreaciared.  My vet is treating several of the horses and is
not sure what is going on.