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[RC] MBATR: Apr 17, 2004 - Kristen A Fisher

I hadn't heard much about the ride near Cleburne, TX at the Six-O Ranch called "Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch" but it wasn't too far from us so I talked my group into going. I had crewed for everyone at TX Grasslands a couple weeks before, and taken Rosie to learn to camp and also rode out for a couple miles each day to "train" (some of you may have seen her airs above the ground whilst I was trying to ride her out of RC Sat afternoon).
We had a terrible 16 mile training rode the Saturday before MBATR, and a really good 10 miler the Wed before. Still not sure she was ready for a 25 but what the hey. I was worried about her feet and the rocky terrain [she has been barefoot for some time but the roads at Grasslands were uncomfortable for her so I had shoes put on her] and even with shoes I was worried.
At the ride meeting, we heard about the horse-chasing cows, the herd of 100 feral swine, the trails that seem great but then turn slick as wet sheet rock, the treacherous mountain climb and ensuing sheer cliff to get back down, and the 2 CareFlights from last year where even the EMTs needed oxygen. Oh, and some parts of the trail put the 25s & the 50s together but headed towards each other on trail that was only 6" wide. What in the HELL are we doing here?!?!  What, no vampire bats, man & horse eating pack of wolves, or guaranteed lightening strikes??
Rosie & and I settled in behind Steph & Earl at a good pace about 10 mins after our start time. Not as rocky as we thought, in most places it was pretty reasonable, and we were instantly delighted with the trail. The cows stared and ignored us. The swine stayed home. The mountain was manageable. The trails through the trees were awesome. The views were fantastic & the trail was well marked. We finished our first 15 mile loop in 1:45, quicker than my projected 2:00. We have to work on getting Rosie to criteria as she doesn't drop as quickly as I'd like, but with more VC experience I think she will settle down. VCs were a bit crowded as they had almost 140 horses entered (vs. about 90 in the past) but still just fine. My friends & their horses were pulled for lameness, but Rosie & I went on and did the last loop (11.3 miles) and had a great time. Rosie was very game the whole way and easy to manage, and drank & ate well throughout. I think we ended up coming in about 30th out of almost 70 starters so not at all bad for her first 25. She looked good that evening and was totally sound when we turned her out on Sunday. Looks like she's got a new career!! Go Rosie!!
I can say I highly recommend this ride but pre-register next year because it seems to be getting more popular!!