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Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Purina's new feed-long response - Jon . Linderman - terry banisterThanks! This kind of stuff is why I stay on RideCamp :-) <html><P><IMG height=12 src="http://graphics.hotmail.com/emsmiled.gif" width=12> Happy Trails!</P> <P>Terry</P> <DIV></DIV></html> >From: "oddfarm" <jsalas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >To: "ridecamp" <ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Subject: Re: [RC] [RC] Purina's new feed-long response - Jon . Linderman >Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 09:52:02 -0400 > >Thanks Jon, for that excellent info. > >Well, I finally talked to the Purina rep. Here are some answers to your questions. > >What is the difference between Advantage, Race Ready and the Ultium? Advantage was promoted as a high energy beet pulp based competitive feed but now the Ultium is a more updated and better version. New and improved. Race Ready was designed mainly for anaerobic work, such as track racing. Ultium is more for aerobic exercise like endurance. Purina makes Athlete which is about 14% fat where as their "new" nugget, which is in Ultium is about 30% fat. > >There is a tad of cane molasses in Ulitum mostly for taste. It is as low in sugar as they could make it. There is also rice bran in this product which is stabilized. The shelf life is about 4 months so if you get a bag that is outdated, take it back. > >Ultium is a pelleted feed so it should mush up pretty good when you add liquids. The reason for 12% protein is that seems to be the magical number to be able to have enough amino acids for improving and repairing muscles. The calcuim/phosphorus ratio in this feed is about 1.5:1 > >Info from the brochure. This feed has essential amino acids important for muscle recovery. More fat and fiber and less starch means your horse can stay focused and be easier to work with. All this and genetics combined with training consistency make for a potential winner. Sustained Energy System is fat, fermentable fiber and soluble carbs. High quality ingredients, vitamins e,c and selenium as well as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids from flaxseed, soy oil and rice bran. > >I did ask who in the Purina lab consulted with any endurance people when coming up with this recipe. He said more than likely, the main consultant was Dr. Ray Gore from Canada. He said he was a vet and had a PHD. in nutrition. He said people like that are rare. Are you a rare bird Susan G? > >I am going to try it. I don't feed bagged feed as feed. I feed hay. Lots of it. However, I do know that sometimes that is not enough. I have always like the Equine Sr. but like all of us, I want the best for my partner. I don't know what IS the best so I just have to try. > >I do wish that when researchers came up with new products, that they would consult the experts in that field along with some of the consumers who will be using that product. I don't have a clue who Dr. Gore is and would certainly feel better if people like Susan G., Barney Flemming, Ken Marcella and people that we have at least heard of had been consulted or asked for some imput. I would have liked to have known that some of the reps had been to some rides to at least observe what people were feeding to get a good idea of what we need. I know, the Ultium is not just for endurance horses but it is...... > >All About Endurance! > >If you have any more questions or comments the number to call is 888-858-4861 _________________________________________________________________ Lose those love handles! MSN Fitness shows you two moves to slim your waist. http://fitness.msn.com/articles/feeds/article.aspx?dept=exercise&article=et_pv_030104_lovehandles ============================================================ People in Alabama swear by manure tea as an herbal remedy for colds. ~ Lisa Redmond ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================