Re: [RC] Cattlle in the dry? west area - Barbara McCrary
Coyotes are more than just a nuisance to the
livestock industry. They will also kill you cat or your dog, just as
easily and happily as they would kill a calf.
Not sure why some are so down on the cattle
industry, but my philosophy is "never criticize a farmer (or rancher) while you
have a full stomach."
Ahem...clearing my throat. I've been quiet for a long time...but
not any more:
What gets my beef (no pun intended) is that OUR wildlife gets killed
because of the special interests of the livestock industry through such
programs as "Wildlife Services" aka "Animal Damage Control" (your tax dollars
pay for this the that cattlemen can be reassured that
predators won't fell any of their cattle). This is how wolves were
exterminated from the west at the turn of the last century, anyhow...and how
coyotes and other predators are constantly being poisioned/trapped,
etc...because they are a nuisance to the ranching industry!!
Terry (my opinions...not a personal attack to anyone...)