Some years back I went to a CTR. We got there on Thursday night and on
Friday moring I noticed the right real fetlock was swollen. General
swelling. There wasn't much heat. She was sound. I taked the the vet
and she said to ride her a little and bring her back. The swelling went
down with the riding, but it came back. Since she seemed sound - we did
all kinds of cirlces and flexion, etc. to see if she was sound - the
vet said start her and see how it goes.
I did end up polling her at the halfway point since she just wasn't
herself - but she was sound. I got home a called my vet and he
suspected she had been bit by a pigmy rattler. He gave her a steroid
shot and put her on antibotics and told me as long as she was sound to
ride her lightly every day to keep the circulation up in the lower leg.
She was normally out most of the time anyway. It took about two weeks
and she was back to normal.
I don't know what it was about that crazy palomino mare but she is the
same one that got a scorpion sting on the ear. That was much worse than
the snake bite. We ended up using a mixture of DMSO and Dex nad
furazone on the ear for about a month. Ever after that she had a
fiberous lump in the ear from the sting - sort of like the one I have
on my leg from a scorpion sting.
Ridecamp Guest wrote:
Please Reply to: Abbie Hanchey abbie@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
5 weeks ago after we got back from the Sandhills Stampede 55, my
mares leg blew up over night. No reason for the swelling at all.
We immediately called the vet. I was thinking spider bite, he
was thinking tendon injury. We were both wrong! After 10 days
of antibiotics and bute, nothing could touch the swelling.
It was huge. On the 3rd week the swelling dropped a little, lo
and behold 2 small fang marks appear on her leg. Come to find
out that the swelling was so intense we could not see the
punctures. It appears to be a small snake, probably a young
copper head that got her. She is slowly coming back around.
I have been doing epsom salt soaks 2 times a day for 5 weeks, hydro therapy
furazone sweats, DMSO, dex and furazone ointment. It seems that
the DMSO, Dex and furazone ointment has finally started helping
the most. If anyone has any other remedies let me know.
I guess it could have been a lot worse, but it sucks!
They're athletes! This is a partnership between horse and rider - we don't
have any jockeys out there, just pals and partners. We'd allow a rider with
a broken foot, a sore back and a nasty cold to compete - but we would never
let a horse in a similiar condition hit the trail.
~ Dr. Barney Flemming DVM information:
-- We imitate our masters only because we are not yet masters
and only
imitate our masters
only because we are not yet masters ourselves, and only
in doing so we
learn the truth about what cannot be imitated.