The snakes are out here in Southern
California, be careful.Meet up with the biggest, fatest, meanest, red rattler today. He was as round as a pro baseball and had
a nasty attitude to match. He was
on the side of the trail about 10 feet into a climb. I was lucky enough to be elected to
dismount and toss rocks to get it to move away from the trail.(Does that mean being short has its
advantages?)I hit the dam# thing 4
times dead on with large rocks and all I did was make
it madder. We had to turn around so
my dog, Becca would not get bit.Lyric, the crazy Arab,
couldn’t have cared less as she got to graze in her S hack as I made a
fool of myself tossing rocks.We still
had a nice ride in spite of the snake.Oh, the same snake almost ambushed my neighbor an hour later!!Be careful out on the trails.