Well, today is BOB's 17th birthday. It has not been with the usual fanfare, cake and party. Today we pulled his shoes (back ones only founder damaged the front ones). I made a bran mash, brushed him, which only tolerates and cried. I retired him from competition.
I have recently been told he has severe ringbone in his hind pasterns. I knew something was wrong at Cow Tanks, those of you that know BOB know he is usually dragging me around. This time he stopped trotting. Stopped. BOB has never been lame, even then it was a glitch that Barney said was slight. But, the x-rays told the truth.
I have cried myself to sleep every night. I truly wanted to get 3000 LD
miles on him then retire him. But that is not to be.
He seems to know that something is up and after having him in my life for 16 years, I know this horse. He has mentally passed the torch. I love him. I will keep him. And I will still cry. Donna and BOB