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Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Racing - heidi

OH, Heidi, Heidi, Heidi, it must be such a perfect world that meets your
 standards out there in those western mountains where you live.  Here,
in the  Southeast, I guess we just wouldn't cut the mustard because we
live it what  I'd like to call the "real world."

Gee, Howard, I'm sorry that the NW, MT, CT, PS, and W regions are not a
part of the "real world."  I've either ridden or vetted in all five of
those regions, and at least most of the RMs strive to some standards
there.  Those aren't "my" standards, Howie--they are the working norm in
the "real world" where I live.  Exceptions do exist--the awful finish line
wreck described in this thread occurred in my own region.  But instead of
saying "Hey, that's life, there's nothing that we can do about it," our
folks up there took an investigative attitude and dissected the problem
and realized that there were a lot of things that should have been done
differently--both on the part of the RM and on the part of the riders

I haven't ridden in your region, but in talking to folks like Susan
Kasemeyer (who you seem to respect) and others, I don't think RMs for the
most part there are near the helpless little shrinking violets that Truman
has painted them.  Other SE riders seem to think that there ARE capable
RMs there who DO go back (was it 2 miles on one ride??) to points where
they can make safe finishes, and who DO have organized camps, etc.  One
rider pointed out that by taking the poorer area in the
"first-come-first-serve" areas that Truman described, they COULD set
things up the way they needed to.

If I only had the input from you and Truman about rides in the SE, I sure
wouldn't want to go there.  You're lucky that riders like Susan, Angie,
and others have presented a more appealing picture.  It sounds to me like
you DO have several RMs in your region who strive to meet some
standards--although you may have had one too many beers to realize it.


It is how we "feel" deep inside that matters, cause each of us knows the
truth, regardless of how we try make it complicated.  It just isn't.
~ Frank Solano

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Re: [RC] [RC] [RC] Racing, Howard Bramhall