The injured person or ride management or any other rider could file a
protest with the AERC. The RM could have disqualified the rider in
which case the rider could (and probably would have) filed a protest
with the AERC. At that point the P&G committee would make a ruling
and issue sanctions.
There is some precedent in a protest that was filed at a ride about 5
years ago. If I remember correctly it finds were that the RM shall take
all action in their powers to insure a safe trail for a race in at the
finish. If no such safe finish line can be established then the riders
should know and the responsibility falls to them.
Said case was about 5 years ago and I believe the ruling of the P&G
committee was in the April issue.
As Joe pointed out this is also pointed out in the ride managers
handbook that I have - granted its a few years old.
As far a the Tevis as far as I know a protest was not filed for that
incident so the AERC took no action.
So if you feel strongly - file a protest.
Carol wrote:
Sylvia, that doesn't answer my
question. Why does one person get penalized so severely by "bumping" a
horse and another doesn't get any reprimands at all for running over a
-- We imitate our masters only because we are not yet masters
and only
imitate our masters
only because we are not yet masters ourselves, and only
in doing so we
learn the truth about what cannot be imitated.