We left it that for now I don't need to canter on the trail (though i
suspect that I will probably do a little, though not in front) and work on
transitions and balance. And work on my balance. I do NATRC rides, so it's not
like I ever NEED to canter on the trail.
This friend who was helping
rode Deli too and showed me how quick she was to round up. IT was neat having
someone so knowledgeable ride/compliment my mare.
*Oh Alice.....of COURSE you need to canter
on the trail! That is the whole purpose for riding horses! To get
to the point where you can have that relaxed, smooth canter along.....that is
the whole REASON I ride, for those moments. All the time and work and
problems with the new and green horses are worth it when you can get that
smooth canter!!!
I am probably going through the very same stuff
you are right now with young horse...I am doing a lot of trail riding, and
lessons with a very good instructor; where we are focusing on getting her
(Fawn) to round up and carry herself better and give to the bit (and I just
found a great myler snaffle on ebay)......when the instructor rides her I can
see the difference, and it is AGONY and WORK to keep leg on her and try to get
her on the bit!!!
Mine (4 almost 5) is fine cantering along on the
trail...not even asking for correct lead yet. But she will go into a
canter from a trot (No bucking!), and not trip....and NOW we are going to
start to work on arena canter departs.....and distinguish leads, et.c IT
takes alot of time!!!!