If an RM has not been granted basic crowd control
authority from the owner (=government), or is not willing to take it, the
RM should not be running the ride. The gov. personnel that I have dealt
with when getting special use permits, have been very concerned about
safety. As an RM I have posted signs about the special use permits, and
suggestions of alternate places to park and recreate during the ride. The
special use permit was the key. One time I had to face down a four wheeler
that was going to blast through my vet check area. The idiot complained to
the County Mountie. Bad move, the sheriff explained that we had a special
use permit and he (the driver) should go somewhere else that
Almost always, spectators (related or unrelated to
the ride) will move back when told firmly, but politely "If you don't you may be
trampled by a horse..." Sometimes a potentially explosive situation
can be defused by the RM or volunteer, spending a few minutes explaining what is
going on.
Ed & Wendy Hauser 2994 Mittower
Road Victor, MT 59875