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Re: [RC] Fly Preditors - Rosalie Marley

Thanks to everyone who reported back on the fly predators (Wendy's is just the 
post I saw).

The horses thank you too!


On 7 Apr 2004 at 20:30, Wendy Mancini wrote:

Rosalie asked:
Anybody use those fly predators?

 Yes. I've been using the ones from Spalding, 5000/4-5 horses, for
 about 5-6 years now. I 
believe they do help. I still spray in the hot, humid weather ( worst
time for flies in NE). There seems to be a cumulative effect in that
last year we had the least amount of flies ever. Both my farrier &
vethave commented onhow few flies there are on the horses outside the
barn & none in the barn. We've maintained 4 -5 horses throughout this
time. Also over 10 years of worming all horses on same 6 week

Wendy Mancini in NJ

REAL endurance is eating egg salad sandwiches for 3 days straight!
~ Heidi Sowards

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[RC] Fly Preditors, Wendy Mancini