You have to read the website and talk to
the inventor and see the pad. He does guarantee you will like them. Call them up
and they will tell you the difference from theirs and skitos. The memory foam is
different. It does not spring back up right away which is better for the horse's
back since it is not springing up and down as you ride, it stays cushioned
better. Also, I could get the pad in 3 days--unlike skito that takes 2 weeks.
You could ask those Pan Am riders on
the testimonials on the web page and ask them "why" they preferred the pad. They
have Alexandra
North, Becky Hart, Cia Reis, Jonathan Bowman, Nicole Wier,
Cameron Holzer, Andrea
Pace, to name a few. They ride ALOT
harder and longer than I do so I figured if they like it, I might. He said
they were not given the pad, they bought it and loved it. I'll let you know
how I do over time with it. It is a nice pad so far. It is much thicker than the
skitos which I feel is better for me since I'm a light/heavyweight in a sports
But again, whatever works for you....I
like mine alot so far. Skitos are very nice pads but I was looking for more
and hopefully I have found it. They are spendy though.
In a message dated 4/7/04 3:34:28 PM US Mountain Standard Time, karlawatson@xxxxxxxxxxx
I think it is way better than the skito pad (sorry
skito....) Expect to pay a bit more for them but I think they are worth
What makes you say this. I have a Skito and I have been happy with
it. I need to replace the pad and I am curious. The web page
seems to describe the same foam, so I wondered...............
Lee ".......and God sought to bestow upon man a supreme mark of
his blessing. God created the horse. The horse could run faster than the deer,
jump higher than the goat, and endure longer than the wolf. Man, being
encompassed by elements that sought to destroy him, would have been a slave,
had the horse not made him king."