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Re: [RC] Knee galls (mine!)--need advice - Truman Prevatt

I wore one for a while after I blew out a knee. But at that time I was riding a DeSoto which had finders not leathers. I wonder if the leather would work at the top of the brace. maybe rolling it and causing a rub as you posted.

It could also be your new stirrups are putting your foot and leg in a different alignment with the leather than English Irons do and that might be causing the weber to hit your knee at a different location. Might try the irons for a training ride and see if that helps.

I tried the "Trail Tech" stirrups one time and with them my leathers tore my calf up. With the Flex Ride I have not problem.


heidi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

Years ago I had a knee injury, and DID wear those neoprene knee wraps with
a hole cut for the patella, a wedge cut out of the back allowing some
flexion, and three quick velcro closures on the outside.  I don't recall
them being a hassle, but also wondered if I might trade one problem for
another, with yet one more horizontal "boundary" on each end, leaving yet
another area that could chafe.  I wish I knew what became of mine,
although they would likely be too skinny for me now--would be nice to try
them again without having to go out and buy a pair!



We imitate our masters only because we are not yet masters ourselves, and only

We imitate our masters only because we are not yet masters ourselves, and only

because in doing so we learn the truth about what cannot be imitated.


[RC] Knee galls (mine!)--need advice, heidi
Re: [RC] Knee galls (mine!)--need advice, Truman Prevatt
Re: [RC] Knee galls (mine!)--need advice, heidi