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[RC] Endurance: donkey vs. goat - Laurie DurginI swear this is endurance related.Now that I am at 3 horses, I realised if I take 2 trailriding, camping to a ride I leave one.Opps. And I need to take 2 out to socialize my mare and youngster. But they need to go with Rascal as he is the experienced one now.So I am thinking companion animal that is and easy keeper. Would be on their turnout with hay 24/7 ., have field fence with electric top wire. Thinking maybe donkey, have heard they are good for spooky horses as they freeze rather than bolt.(would be nice for a change.)And they keep stray neighbors dogs out of pasture(those ones that dig under the fence to chase your horses. . hmmm Goat would be cheaper, easier to find, but I have electric crossfencing tape, and have heard 'stories'. . .Did have 2 pygmies for a short time, but they kept attacking the feed buckets when I went down to feed and jumping on the kids ,so they left..Don't want to be refencing on a daily basis, course goat is good barbequed I hear. . . Hoping to get a freebie or cheap.("ah, no dear, I didn't pay real money for another mouth to feed , or course not, do I look crazy? ") Any ideas.Laurie in Ga. _________________________________________________________________ Get tax tips, tools and access to IRS forms ? all in one place at MSN Money! http://moneycentral.msn.com/tax/home.asp ============================================================ It is how we "feel" deep inside that matters, cause each of us knows the truth, regardless of how we try make it complicated. It just isn't. ~ Frank Solano ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================