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Re: [RC] ? Gas vs Diesel Trucks - Magnumsmom
Hi Truman, you wrote:
> "For example on a diesel you need to change the oil
> about twice as often and the diesel takes about twice
> as much oil and the filters cost about twice as much."
Try 1/2 as often, although I don't let mine go that long between
oil changes. My manufacturer's book says to change the oil
every 7500 miles. The oil in our jeep gets changes every 3500
miles. HOWEVER, a Dealership owner and friend (and all
around good guy) says changing the oil in the diesel more
often isn't such a bad idea. *But*, it's definitely not twice as
often. Let's call that one a wash.
As for the amount and cost, yes. It costs me about twice as
much to change the oil in the diesel... $58 here in Santa Fe
(down from $70+ in CA) as opposed to $30 for the jeep.
Per engine maintenance? I have a dodge diesel pro who went
into business for himself and that engine takes care of itself.
It's fine. No service needed. Doesn't need tuned, doesn't need
plugs, doesn't need anything. Change the oil, oil filter, air
filter (these you do have to change every 9,000 miles or so),
gear fluids, and fuel line filter. That's it. That's about the same
for a gas engine though. Better to put the money into the
actual payments than into maintenance.
I'm coming up on that 150,000 miles though on my 2000, so I
do drive mine a lot. It gets the same mpg as the jeep (both are
straight 6 blocks) so I just drive my truck.
OK, Truman, given the information above (*less oil changes than
you calculated the first time*), in how many miles does the
diesel engine pay for itself? Just curious,
:) -Kathy
Re: [RC] ? Gas vs Diesel Trucks
Truman Prevatt
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Re: [RC] ? Gas vs Diesel Trucks