Re: [RC] treeless saddles & vet checks - Ferne FedeliAlthough I'm not an endurance rider (yet, anyway), I too have 2 treeless saddles (a Bob Marshall Sportsaddle and a new Torsion) and also love them. It seems to me, people either love them or hate them. I talked a friend into trying my Bob Marshall and then she bought one and a couple of months later decided she didn't like it... Treed saddles feel uncomfortable to me now... Ferne Fedeli I have 2 of them and LOVE them! Everyone in my family rides in them and when they go back to treed saddles (occasionally), they can't wait to get back into their treeless. Don't know what vets say about them but equine chiros love them. Karla Watson ============================================================ I still prefer what it is that BH100, Tevis, The Duck's Soup of Endurance, etc. has to offer...but, to see a horse canter over sand for those distances...Good Lord, it humbles me. ~ Frank Solano information: ============================================================