[RC] Morgan Breed Award WRONG in AERC Yearbook - Ridecamp GuestPlease Reply to: Mary Coleman caf@xxxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx ========================================== Hawks Neopolitan has the plaque on the wall and a certificate from the American Morgan Horse Association naming him as Champion in endurance for 2003. As he has been for 4 out of the last 5 years. You must be a member and your horse must be signed up to qualify for this award. The horse that is listed in the yearbook is not even in the standings of AMHA. Maybe AERC should have checked into before publication! Mary ============================================================ The whole ride experience can be very hard, and at times you question why you put yourself through such abuse. But then you remember all those moments when you pop up over a hill and are suddenly surrounded by the most stunning views. It's just you and your horse and for a moment time stops and you can hear the angels sing. Therein lies the addiction, at least for me. ~ Leslie Beyers ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================