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Re: [RC] Pasos in endurance - Paul Latiolais


Funny you should mention the show ring. My paso fino, Pete, HATED the show ring. The last time we showed, he kicked one of the other contestants in the leg (rider, not horse) while the judge was not looking. Then when we exited the arena he tried to buck me off. Something he has never done before or since. This was after I had spent a lot of time and money on the "natural horsemanship" thing. I thought I had it covered.

We are both much happier on the endurance trail and yes, his preferred gait is the cantor.

-Paul L.

On Wednesday, March 17, 2004, at 05:33 PM, ParadsePlantatn@xxxxxxx wrote:

I have a paso who never wanted to walk and she thought that full speed ahead was what she was born to do.? Since no one wanted to ride with me because we went so fast, a couple of friends told me that she would be good at endurance or by the time we crossed the finish line she would walk. Not so, after conditioning her and let her pick her own speed, we did our first 30 mile ride.? She did it in 2 1/2 hours and in 5 place.? After several LD rides, we tried a 50 miler and did that in 4 1/2 hours (ride time). She got all A on all her checks and was high point endurance horse for the paso fino horse association for 2 years in a row.? She is now 18 years old and still loves to go only she has finally slowed down a bit.? All her rides were at a canter or gallop most of the way except when the terain? prevented it. It taks a special paso to do this sport.? One with? a big heart and lots of stamina.? There are some out there.? You just have to look for them.? Show ring horses won't cut it. This mare would get so upset in a ring, she would not do her gait at all, but put her in the woods, you could drop the reins and just let her go. she could gait all day . Need to find another one and am breeding her now so maybe I will? have another one some day.