This rider was extolling the merits of of the
substance used
and that it improved the performance of her horse to the
state where it won BC. Now realize, this horse had shown for
BC and had the high vet score eight times. But the
"substance" allowed a much lower pulse rate that attained
the coveted BC Award. The Rider also states that a certain
named vet is endorsing this product.
...or maybe, after 8 tries the horse just got into better shape. Or,
with high vet score, maybe the rider just weighed more that day than
the other riders, went a little faster (or others went slower) and the
pulses could have been lower because the rides she mentioned were in
November and February when it's cooler. Maybe the other horses were
not BC material that day. In reality, the APF probably had nothing to
do with it. The horse is doing well because it is a good horse and is
getting more fit and experienced. Horses just don't go out and start
winning rides and getting BC because of any supplement.
in NV
-- We imitate our masters only because we are not yet masters
and only
imitate our masters
only because we are not yet masters ourselves, and only
in doing so we
learn the truth about what cannot be imitated.