"My suggestion,
obviously, is to give Mom a break and separate them while feeding... also
good to get foal used to short periods of separation at an ealy age. Put foal
in stall nest to Mom, or in adjoining paddock, where they can see eacvh
I had a late
foal born last year , October 31 which is really late for this part of Montana ,
snow and 6 degrees out . What I did was make a creep feeder in the warmest part
of the lean-to for the foal , I kept it bedded with straw and the foal went
right in and when I started him on a small amount of feed he was used to
going into his own pen to eat , after about two months he would gobble his feed
up and then go and eat his mom's feed so I started shutting the gate on
him as I was worried he would eat too much .Works well