[RC] Argentina: Pinamar AAHS Results - John TeeterI put the results of the AAHS ride up at:http://www.enduranceworld.net/events/2004pinamar/coverage/ I'm happy to see that Steph did a respectable end-of-the-pack ride:) Steph is back at Haras San Andres del Moro until Thursday. I think it will be difficult to convince her in the future that snow/winter in the northern hemisphere are a good thing to experience:( Also, she mentioned that Valery, Meg, and Bev were going to participate next Saturday in Pinamar. It sounds like Bev may opt not to go down -- but it's still early and endurance riders are particularly unpredictable. johnt
============================================================ Common sense should also be a part of the decision making process. If you see someone who doesn't have any, hand them your tool box. ~ Lisa Salas - The Odd Farm ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================