I have been
successfully using grazing muzzles on an overweight horse & pony (POA). Yes,
the pony does think of innumerable ways of getting the muzzle off, UNTIL, I put
a fly mask on top it and tied mask & muzzle together at the poll. Problem
solved. I use the muzzle whenever I turn the POA out, which is usually about 6-8
hours per day, year 'round. When the muzzle is off, she is in her stall/paddock
area and can eat oat or grass hay and even some beet pulp, to her hearts content
(she has no desire to overeat hays). The horse, a Morgan, gets muzzled about 6
or 8 hours per day only during the rich grass season. Her muzzle comes
off at night for grazing when the sugar content is lower. So far this program
has worked well. Good luck.