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Re: [RC] Real endurance is sitting through Hidalgo - Lysane CreeI haven't seen Hidalgo yet. But I really think this needs to be viewed as a Disney movie and not as any other sort of historical re-creation or example of today's endurance riding. Disney did the same thing with the movie Pocahantas. They left quite a few of the true details out and romanticized the story to sell movies. Disney is Disney - fiction. As a Mohawk, I'll have to get back to you on the "offensive to Native Americans part", but I plan on seeing Hidalgo because it is a horse movie and because I look forward to seeing an adventure story with an endurance-type story line. And yes, along with all of the Hollywood effects. As for the Paint in the movie...before there were Paints (as registered American Paint Horses), there were mustangs. So I don't see it as being so far fetched that they substitute a Paint for a mustang. Oh well, just a comment in the sea of opinions. :) Lysane Even keeping in mind that Disney movies are a predictable formula mix of = violence and schmaltzy sentiment, I found it too violent..... People who the movie might offend: -Me; on behalf of my extremely small portion of Native American blood on = behalf of Native Americans -Arab peoples -me again, being the owner of a mustang, since the horse was not even = played by a mustang, but a Paint horse.. -Anyone with the name "Davenport", as "Lady Davenport" in the movie was = a scheming, evil b%*th -endurance riders for the depiction of that as endurance riding -long riders (those who do extremely long distances i.e. Long Riders = Guild) -fans of Frank T. Hopkins since he was depicted as a drunken bum Anyway, just horrific. My 16 year old daughter though it equally = dreadful. Would rather do the 3,000 mile race than be forced to see the = movie again Karen (not even pms-ing, but old and grouchy) - ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ From: "Karen Sullivan" <greymare56@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: [RC] real endurance is sitting through Hidalgo Well, don't read this if you haven't seen the movie and don't want to be = poisoned by my negative remarks. Am I the only one that didn't like it, = and hey, I really tried to go in with an open mind.. (and I liked = Seabiscuit, despite the jockey being played by cutsey Tobey McGuire) Keep in mind I am basically a critical, judgmental and cynical person. I thought it was just awful. Wish I had my $ back. It was one far = fetched preposterous thing after another. Had it been heavily promoted = as something like "a tall tale about the imagined exploits of Frank T. = Hopkins, it might have been easier to swallow. I went more to see = Vigo....and left the movie not liking even him! Even keeping in mind that Disney movies are a predictable formula mix of = violence and schmaltzy sentiment, I found it too violent..... === message truncated === ______________________________________________________________________ Post your free ad now! http://personals.yahoo.ca ============================================================ If you treat an Arab like a Thoroughbred, it will behave like a Quarter horse. ~ Libby Llop ridecamp.net information: http://www.endurance.net/ridecamp/ ============================================================