Re: [RC] grazing muzzle for fat horse - DarkHorseGoddess
>>Was wondering if anyone had used a grazing muzzle with any success and how long did you leave it on every day?
Hello...I have been using the grazing muzzle on my 10 hand pony for the last 4 or so years, I really like it. Without it Hercules would not be able to go out into the pasture. He wears it from about 6 am to 8pm, or until I bring the horses into the barn or paddock for overnight. HE only uses the muzzle during the grazing season.
This year I retired Wizard due to a loss of vision and he is also an easy keeper, so I will be buying Wizard a grazing muzzle.
I use the Best Friends Grazing Muzzle, if you get the cheaper one that attaches to a halter, please make sure you use a breakaway halter.
Don't worry about your horse not liking it, they get used to it and well, it's good for them. It's good founder insurance. Raven