[RC] Louisiana Gumbo Ride - Many thanks! - Ibiteraaarr
It's taken me a year but I finally did it. My sister and I were able to attend our first endurance ride. I'm still without a trailer and with all the rain here in south Louisiana, conditioning has been impossible. Couple that with my 8 month pregnant belly and riding was out of the question, but still we wanted to attend to watch, learn, absorb, help out, etc. We were able to talk to people and see how things worked. We were even thrilled to learn one of the ride vets was one of our professors from a vet science class at LSU. We had a GREAT time. We loved it. Even though we didn't have the pleasure to ride in this one, I am still thankful for everyone who's efforts contributed to hosting a Louisiana ride. From my inexperienced point of view, it seemed to be a nice turn-out and a solid success. I sincerely hope this ride is on the calender again next year.