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[RC] Vaccine Reactions - Ridecamp Guest

Please Reply to: Jacque Muessig jessamwin@xxxxxxxxxxx or ridecamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

I gave the exact same vaccine to 3 of my horses that Roger gave.  All 3 had 
reactions again!  Every year I go through this!  This time 2 horses very 
lathargic and swollen and stiff necks.  Yesterday, 48 hrs after the vaccine on 
the other horse, he coliced, started a temp at 101.7 and spiked to 103. After 
calling the vet, administering Banamine, and 1g bute 6hrs after the banamine, 
the horse was down to 99, this morning.  Still watching the other 2.  None are 
still their normal selves, and this is day 3 after the shot.

===========================================================The air of heaven is 
that which blows between a horse`s ears.
~  Arabian Proverb

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